The renovation of the historic axis running from the Piazza di Corte to the Belvedere outlook restores the morphological unity of the constructed backdrop, eliminating additions and accumulated clutter, redeeming the original architectural elements, repainting the façades and rearranging the sets of constructed components in their proper order.
Meanwhile, dividing walls installed on three sides of the Belvedere outlook will block the sight of the surrounding neglect, creating an area sheltered from what lies above, but open to the countryside, as it gently slopes towards the sea. Highlighting the space is a fountain that reprises the waterworks of the Piazza di Corte, as well as a long tub-parapet that serves both as a protective barrier on the valley side and as a screen blocking off the surrounding deterioration.
The lighting project “Ariccia town of lights”, financed by the Lazio Region, enhances the appearance of the town’s historic core with a series of varied but coordinated efforts: reclamation of the existing street layout, including restoration of the paving; substitution of lighting units with models in line with new standards on light pollution; increased lighting of streets and public spaces, making possible the removal of signs and lights from store fronts; the installation of spotlights to “highlight” historic, artistic and environmental features.
Client: Municipality of Ariccia
Location: Ariccia, Italy
Architects: Laura Guglielmi e Maurizio Petrangeli
Design team: Marina Lo Re
Timeline: 2004 and 2010
Status: built