The project for arranging the spaces that lead up to the Villa Adriana includes a pedestrian path running from the town to the entrance to the archaeological site. In tracing this route, particular care has been taken to preserve surrounding historic features: an outcropping of tufa, a slab of travertine, an abandoned farmhouse dating back to the start of the last century.
The walkway follows a staggered path along the valley below, its positioning protecting it from the automobile route as it provides a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside, including the olive trees on the hill upon which Hadrian’s residence sits.
Client: Municipality of Tivoli
Location: Tivoli, Italy
Architects: Fabio Galluzzi, Laura Guglielmi, Maurizio Petrangeli, Chiara Sgrenci
Design team: Paolo Antonini, Cesare Muceli
Timeline: 2020
Status: under construction