Catbalou, which now goes under the name of Hammersmith, is an Italian manufacturer of young people’s clothing that intends to open a network of single-brand sales points in Italy and the rest of Europe. To find an approach suitable for locations of different types, forms and sizes, all while maintaining a consistently recognisable company image, a study was made of elements of décor able to satisfy very specific commercial requirements. The fittings installed in the walls, and creatively arrayed in the rest of the store space, are made of wood, steel or a combination of both materials. Mounted on the walls are advertising images printed on backlit sheets of pvc or stamped on forex panels. The design’s distinctive features are its modular, serial format, plus the ease wioth which it is packed and transported. The furnishings are part of a precisely calibrated architectural layout: the wood flooring, the walls, the ceilings, elements of the utility systems – when in view – are painted in various shades of black, while the spotlight fixtures, equipped with halogen or metal-halide bulbs, provide cones of light as illumination.
Client: Catbalou SpA
Location: - Shopping center “Roma Est”, Rome Lunghezza_2016
- Via del Corso n.94, downtown Rome_2015
- Shopping center “Fashion District” Molfetta _2014
- Store in Clermont-Ferrand_2014
- Shopping center “Moskyorechie” Moscow_2013
- Shopping center “Rio Reutov” Moscow_2013
- Shopping center “Raikin Park” Moscow_2013
- Shopping center “RIO Dmitrovka” Moscow_2013
- Shopping center “V2 Le Centre” Lille_2012
- Shopping center “Città Fiera”, Torreano di Martignacco Udine_2012
- Shopping center “Fiumara”, Genoa_2012
- Shopping center “Gli Orsi”, Biella_2012
- Via Nazionale nn.32-34, downtown Rome _2011
- Shopping center “Parco Leonardo”, Rome Fiumicino_2010
- Via del Corso n.266, downtown Rome_2010
- Ugo Ometti street n.71-73, Rome Talenti_2010
- Shopping center “Roma Est”, Rome Lunghezza_2009
- Shopping center “Euroma”, Rome Eur_2008
Architects: Laura Guglielmi,Maurizio Petrangeli
Design team: Isabella Colangelo, Marina Lo Re, Greta Rossi
Timeline: 2008-2016
Status: built